Sunday, April 22, 2012

Breakfast Confessions

I have a confession. I am the world's worst breakfast eater. I normally skip it and binge at night, which is VERY bad for you. I still do it more than I want to admit (although I guess I just did). I am doing a diet overhaul to prepare myself for my next lifestep and part of that is adding breakfast into the equation. I came up with this last night, ate it this morning, and I am very full 2 hours later!! I will be adding this fully into the breakfast rotation. Enjoy!

Soaked Oat Bran
Serves 1

1/3 cup raw oat bran
1 cup almond milk or other non-dairy milk
¼ teaspoon almond extract
2 large pinches of cinnamon
1 cup (or 5 oz) of pineapple bits

Mix everything together, and place in the refrigerator before bed. Wake up and enjoy your easy and filling breakfast!!

240 calories 10g Protein and 8G Fiber!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Hi Everyone!! Happy Easter! This has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the colors, the fact it celebrates life, and all the good food. As a kid, I loved to color eggs. I would crack my eggs on purpose before I colored the last batch so I would have colored egg salad sandwiches for lunch the following week. For those of you who miss those days, here is my husband's wonderful no egg salad recipe. This is from Jason's wonderful magazine If you haven't signed up yet, do so. It is full of recipes, articles, reviews, and wonder.

No Egg Salad Sandwich

Serves 4

14 oz. of extra firm tofu
1/3 cup of Veganaise
1 stalk of celery, sliced
1 tbsp. of fresh dill
½ tsp. of paprika
½ tsp. of turmeric
½ tsp. of cayenne pepper
½ tsp. of ground yellow mustard
½ tsp. of freshly ground pepper
½ tsp. of salt
8 slices of bread
Option: 1 lettuce leaf per sandwich

Drain and rinse the tofu and press it slightly to release more of the moisture. In a metal bowl, smash the tofu with a whisk until it is crumbly. Slice the celery. Mix in all ingredients except the bread. Separate the portions into fourths and make your sandwiches.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Roasted Salsa

Hi Everyone!

Sorry about not posting last week. It was not a good week for our family. We had someone in the hospital, and had other issues, but this is a new week. Today was wonderful, as I got to spend beautiful quality time with my best friend in the whole world, my husband.

I am also marching forward with writing the book. It is not going as fast as I would like, but I just started and I want it done now! I know Tolkien would say that the journey should be savored, and I will endeavor to listen to his sage advice.

This week I will share a staple of entertaining with my friends, my roasted salsa. I hope this inspires you and helps you spend fun times with the ones you love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Roasted Roma Salsa

makes about 1 1/2-2 cups

4 roma tomatoes                                                                                            
 1/4 cup chopped red onion
1 lime, or about 1 1/2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice     
2-3 cloves of roasted garlic
1 jalapeno or more and hotter chilies, depending on preference
salt to taste

Heat a heavy skillet over medium heat. Place the tomatoes on the heat, and walk away for 5-10 minutes, until one side is blackened. Rotate. Repeat until cooked on all sides this way. Remove from heat and allow to cool, until you can handle them. Chop roughly, then add to a bowl. Dice the red onion, and mince the roasted garlic. Add to the bowl. Mince the jalapeno, after removing the stem and seeds if desired. Add the juice of the lime, and salt to taste. Serve with sliced zucchini 'chips' or other veggies.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Book? Me?

I have decided to finally get off my booty and start working on a book. Yes, there are many good vegan cookbooks out there (and some stinkers) but I do have something to add to the conversation. What I am curious about is does anyone have anything they would like to see in a cookbook? Any recipe additions? Anything? Let me know.

Also, Jason and I are back to the gluten free diet for a while. To help us out, we ordered a new breadmaker!! It is a convection oven that is meant to make fluffy gluten free bread. When it comes, I will let you know how it works.

Now, without further delay, here is the new recipe. This will be in my book so let me know if you like the format!!

Lemon Blackberry Muffins

Makes 12

The dry ingredients

1 ¾ cups gluten free baking mix
2 teaspoons xantham gum
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 ½ teaspoons baking powder

The wet ingredients:

½ cup sugar
1/3 cup vegetable oil
¼ cup of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of lemon zest
1 cup of non-dairy milk
½ teaspoon lemon extract

1 cup of large, fresh blackberries
2 tablespoons of granulated sugar

Line a muffin tin with papers. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, cream together the oil and sugar. Addthe lemon juice and ‘milk’, along with the lemon zest and lemon extract. Once combined, it should be thick, but still be able to be spooned into the muffin papers. Place a small layer of dough in each paper, then top with fruit. Repeat two more times. Once the muffin papers are full, sprinkle with the 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Place in the oven and bake for 25 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, remove from the pan, and allow to cool completely before removing the papers.

What do I eat with this? Fresh hot coffee or tea would be perfect for these light breakfast muffins.

What equipment do I need? Measuring cups, spoons, bowls, mixing utensils, muffin papers, and a muffin tin.

What else can I do with this recipe? Instead of blackberries, use fresh plump blueberries, for lemon blueberry muffins. Or, even go a different route and use 1/3 cup of chopped walnuts mixed with 1/3 cup dried cherries for Walnut Cherry Lemon Muffins. Top with a generous sprinkle of walnuts and granulated sugar. But only do this if you want to impress everyone with your gourmet awesomeness.

What was the inspiration? I had lemons on my tree and blackberries that needed to be used. Sometimes, it is as simple as that.

Any funny stories about this recipe? These were created after a local news channel wanted to feature me and my cooking classes on air. They wanted me to create what I was making that night, plus provide a lot of ‘healthy produce’. Knowing that all produce is healthy, I grabbed what looked good including a lot of berries. After getting only a few hours of sleep the night before I raced down to the studio, set up… and after 45 minutes they told me I was cancelled and to leave. I packed up my food, including the blackberries that became these muffins and left to get a nap before my cooking class that night.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Politics

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to the Bad Kitty Bakery blog. I have taken some time off for various reasons, but it feels very good to be back. It coincides with me taking even better care of myself, spending more time with friends and family, and learning that you do not always have to put yourself first but you do have to put yourself in the running.

Really, though, returning to the blog is an act of activism for me. Paula Deen may have Diabetes type 2. Some other members of the vegan community started saying that she made herself sick with her food, and others. In essence, she deserved it. I cannot and will not accept that. A lot of politics have been taken over with people on one far side or another, with nothing in between. I see that happening in the food community as well. People like Michael Simon and Anthony Bourdain espouse the virtues of eating any and every animal. On our side, people who are healthy vegan doctors and their strict followers say Paula Deen ‘needs to donate her body to science’. It’s time for some food moderates.

This blog will just feature good old fashioned vegan food. Some of it is good for you, some isn’t. It will all taste divine and be done with love.

The first recipe is for my favorite salad dressing. I also really love dipping cucumber slices in this. There is something about the coolness of the cucumber and the richness of the dressing that makes your toes curl right up. Best of all, it is only 4 simple ingredients.


Agave Mustard Dressing
Serves 2-4, or me with two cucumbers sliced up, watching the latest episode of Storage Wars.

1 tablespoon of white miso
1 tablespoon of agave
1 tablespoon of white balsamic vinegar
½ tablespoon or 1 ½ teaspoons of mustard

Whisk all ingredients together, enjoy. Will last at least two or three days in your refrigerator.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Soy or no Soy?

Hi everyone! For all of those struggling on whether or not they should have soy or how much, I am linking to Dr. Barnard's letter on soy.